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  • Find Happiness Every Day

    • Find Happiness Every Day

    “People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer and all life for happiness.” Raimonda B. Can you relate? I’m sure you can to some capacity. There’s no denying that Friday feeling and anticipation of a weekend free from weekly responsibilities. Looking forward to the weekend or a vacation is a great mood booster but can also lead to daily dissatisfaction if you’re only living for the big things. Like most things in life, there needs to be a balance, in this case between living in the present and longing for the future. So many opportunities for happiness in the present pass while waiting for something in the future. It’s time to take the bubble wrap off Monday- Thursday, specific months or seasons and start enjoying life NOW!

    Tips for enjoying everyday:

    • Find 3-4 things you can do everyday that bring you happiness. The best tip I can give you for this one is to keep it simple. Exercise, watch a sunset, eat a meal with your family around the table, play with your dog ETC.
    • Plan something during the week instead of saving it for the weekends. Maybe getting your favorite take out, going out to dinner or going for a walk with a friend.
    • Prioritize “me” time. While the work or school week can take up much of your day, find some time to engage in self-care during the week and make it a priority.
    • Gratitude. Take time to ponder what you’re thankful for in your life. You may realize, things today aren’t so bad!
    • Make the most of your time while getting ready, during your commute or lunch break. Listen to music, a podcast, chat with a friend, listen to an audio book or grab your favorite beverage to carry along with you or get outside!
    • Write things down. Writing a list of what you need to do for the day/week and time stamp it. This can reduce daily stress and in turn make each day a little easier.
    • Change your mindset. Adopt a new mantra, “Every day can have great moments in it.”

    Through the years I’ve learned the significance of enjoying the simple things in life and applying them to my daily routine to increase daily satisfaction -- and it works. Two of my favorite things to do are grab a cup of coffee and drive around in my car -- weekday or weekend I look forward to this time. I encourage you to go through the list above and see how you can change your mindset to enhance your day to day. While you might always long for Fridays, the weekend, certain months or seasons, who knows, maybe you’ll find just a little more daily life satisfaction to take with you along the way! I challenge you to figure out what simple things you can do to enhance your day to day -- go find what your “cup of coffee and drive in the car” is for you 😊

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    Our Affiliations

    We are devoted to bettering our company so we've established affiliations with industry partners. These organizations elevate our services by keeping us informed of new regulations and breakthroughs in our field.

    American Counseling Association
    Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling
    North Carolina Board of Licensed Professional Counselors
    Psychology Today - Verified Member

    Let's Break the Stigma, We All Have Issues

    Everyone Can Benefit from “A Little Counseling”

    © Copyright 2024 by A Little Counseling, PLLC. All Rights Reserved.
    A Little Counseling and Anxiety Counseling is Our Jam are registered trademarks.

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Notice

    A Little Counseling, PLLC open for in-office appointments. We continue to take the Coronavirus (COVID-19) threat very seriously and we are committed to putting forth our best effort to keeping our office as sanitary as possible. For the safety of our clients and staff we have come up with the following plan which will be carried out until further notice:

    While we strive to do everything in our control to keep our office safe. We also kindly ask that anyone with even the smallest symptom of illness call and cancel your appointment or utilize Telehealth sessions. If anyone would like to reschedule their appointment to an earlier time, please call us at 919-296-8100.

    Thank you- Bri-Ann Richter-Abitol